Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ma'asei BeReshit

Rosh Hashanah starts next Friday evening. According to one tradition, it marks the sixth day of creation - the day that man was created. Therefore, this coming Saturday evening will mark the anniversary of "Big Bang".

According to another tradition, everyday God renews the original creation of the world - "Oseh ma'asei bereshit." If he didn't, the universe would cease to exist.

The photo above was taken from the Hubble Space Telescope after its recent refurbishing. Said Hubble senior scientist Dave Leckrone:

The images ... don't just show science, but evoke a sense of spirituality. What I see is the grandeur of creation ...

Amen Selah

This Rosh Hashanah, let us renew our sense of wonder - of radical amazement.

To see more recent Hubble images visit


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